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Showing posts from April, 2012

O Nedejde Inviata!

M-am trezit dupa o noapte plina de ganduri si temeri si am stiut ca am nevoie de o incurajare din Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu...   Fica noastra Marie (care o sa implineasca doi ani luna viitoare), a avut cateva operatii pentru corectarea unor defecte de nastere destul de serioase. Desi este foarte sanatoasa, umblatul in picioare a intarziat destul de mult. Anul trecut a reusit sa faca doar cativa pasi, din cand in cand. De atunci, progresul a fost nesemnificativ, pana luna trecuta cand a inceput sa faca mai multi pasi, uneori aproape 10.   Dar in ciuda progresului recent, in ultimele saptamani am fost putin descurajata de lipsa ei de echilibru si control. Defectele de nastere pe care le-a avut ea uneori includ serioase complicatii neurologice. Gandul unei vieti pline de dificultati si poate chiar disabilitate permanenta a inceput sa-mi dea tarcoale. Pana in momentul acela, pot sa spun cu sinceritate, eu si Dinu nu ne-am gandit niciodata ca nu o sa umble perfect. Ne-am tinut ochii at

A Walking Miracle!

I woke up after a night full of thoughts and fears, and knew I had to get some encouragement from God's Word... Our daughter, Marie (who will be two next month), has had a few surgeries to correct serious birth defects. While she is very healthy, she's had a significant delay in her ability to walk. We ended last year with her taking just a few clumsy steps every once in a while. Since then she had made very little progress, until last month, when her few steps became sometimes 10 or more at a time. But even with all the recent progress, I found myself wanting to feel sorry for her these past few weeks and even to be a bit discouraged by her lack of balance and control. The association of birth defects she was born with often includes severe nuerological issues. Thoughts of a life full of difficulty and possible permenant disability began to nag me. Up until then, I can honestly say that Dinu and I never once thought she wouldn't walk perfectly. We kept our eyes on what